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Bowlee ParkCommunity Primary School

Knowledge...your passport to the world!


All pupils take part in curricular PE lessons twice a week. At Bowlee Park all lessons are led by subject specialists and lessons take place in our gym, in the sports hall or outside.


PE lessons are planned to enable all children to experience a wide range of sporting activity and to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness. Our curriculum is both broad and inclusive, with activities modified so that all children can access them regardless of ability.


An integral part of our PE curriculum is providing opportunities for our children to engage in competitive situations through sport and to promote the idea that sport and physical activity is an important aspect of our day to day life.


Learning in curriculum time is supported by extra-curricular clubs, most of which are free of charge to our pupils and are run by specialist external coaches.

At Key Stage 1, children are taught fundamental movement skills which improve their agility, stamina, speed and strength. They have the opportunity to partake in a variety of co-operative and competitive activities with the focus mainly on developing their physical abilities while introducing the concepts of teamwork, tactics and playing to rules.

At Key Stage 2 the focus shifts to developing pupils understanding of games/activities and allowing them to apply skills into game situations. They are also encouraged to look at their performance and that of others and begin to recognise how they can improve.

All children in Key Stage 2 also take part in 1/2 termly inter-house competitions where they represent their house (Red, Blue, Green & Yellow) in a sporting activity. This ensures that all children have the opportunity to access competitive sport on a regular basis.

Topics covered in both Key Stage 1 and 2 include invasion games, gymnastics, dance, fitness, net games, athletics, outdoor & adventurous activities and striking & fielding games.
