We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of our pupils. We expect everyone to share this commitment. View the safeguarding section of our website for more information.
Across our EYFS, we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021). This framework states that the Early Years Curriculum is split into 7 areas of learning. The areas are as follows:
3 prime areas of learning:
4 specific areas of learning
At Bowlee Park, language is the foundation of children’s thinking and learning. Our EYFS curriculum places a strong focus on communication skills and pupils’ acquisition of basic skills in reading, writing and maths whilst developing the whole child. The curriculum includes the teaching of religious education and age-appropriate relationship education.
When the children start in September their academic journey begins. We assess children’s prior knowledge and skills and use this information to plan their next steps. We have ensured that our ambitious EYFS curriculum is delivered through themes, linked to high quality narratives that develop children’s language and their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live. Our approach to learning in the EYFS includes both teacher-led and independent learning opportunities based around these themes. The themes are tailored to the interests of the children and often plans are adapted to follow these interests. We believe that reading is at the heart of all learning and therefore, we carefully select age appropriate quality texts that enhance the learning within the theme. There is always a clear rationale and intent behind the chosen book. The themes selected do not conform to gender stereotypes to ensure that they capture the interests of all children. Our texts reflect the diversity of our world, for example teaching children that no 2 families are the same. Texts also challenge some of the gender stereotypes children will encounter outside of school. Activities are planned to teach the children the necessary skills and knowledge in the 7 EYFS areas of learning.
The themes covered across the EYFS include:
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Pre School Themes | What makes me, me? | Awesome Autumn and Winter Wonderland | People who help us | On the Farm!
| Once upon a Time | At the Seaside |
Reception Themes | All about Me | Celebrations | Traditional Tales | Journeys | Animals | My World |
Our curriculum is systematic and there is logical progression in knowledge and skills in all areas of learning from Nursery through to Reception. Our curriculum has been designed so that pupils can continue to build on prior learning so that pupils know more and remember more as they make connections in their learning. High quality learning experiences through trips and visitors allow children to make further connections in learning through real life contexts.
A challenge curriculum during continuous provision ensures high quality learning experiences and provides children the opportunity to embed their learning, transferring it into their long-term memory.
Reading has the highest priority at our school. It enables pupils to access the full curriculum. Pupils learn to read from day one in reception- and earlier if they attend our nursery. They access a programme of systematic synthetic phonics delivered by highly trained staff. Excellent teaching of reading throughout school ensures high attainment whilst nurturing a love of reading.
Our curriculum enables pupils to develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning so that they develop into confident learners who are able to work with others. It helps them to develop respect and resilience. It provides them with the knowledge and cultural capital to become well-informed citizens, able to appreciate human creativity and achievement. As they learn more, they develop an understanding of the community to which they belong. The curriculum includes an introduction to the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Programme, which ensures that pupils will be able to contribute towards building a better world.
At Bowlee Park our EYFS curriculum is underpinned by a strong emphasis on pupils’ acquisition of basic skills in communication skills, reading, writing and maths whilst developing the whole child. We offer a broad and balanced EYFS curriculum which aims to support all children to reach their full potential in a safe and stimulating environment. All areas of learning are delivered through a balance of adult –led focussed sessions and child initiated activities.
During this stage your child’s life, learning through play is vital in order for children to make sense of the world around them. Our curriculum provides carefully structured play, through which children explore and develop the learning experiences that make them make sense of the world around them. Through both play and adult-focussed focussed sessions, children are given the opportunity to practise and build on their own ideas, to think creatively, to learn self-control and learn to play cooperatively with others. Our curriculum also enables pupils to develop the Characteristics of effective learning so that they develop into confident learners who demonstrate resilience, respect and are able to work with others.
Our Early Years curriculum has been designed to ensure that children are ‘school ready’ by the end of the Reception year so that they have the knowledge and skills needed for a secure foundation for future education and for life.
In both Pre School and Reception, we assess the children through observing them in the areas of provision and observing what they can do independently and record them using an online learning journey. Learning journeys are shared with parents, and parents are also invited to make contributions. At the end of Reception pupils are assessed against the Early Learning Goals. This information is shared with parents and the next teacher in Year 1.
During the first few weeks in Reception pupils undertake the national Reception Baseline Assessment, or RBA. This is a series of activities, completed 1:1 with their teacher, that assess a child’s early language skills, early literacy and maths. This information is forwarded to the DfE to measure your child’s progress across the primary phase of their education.