We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of our pupils. We expect everyone to share this commitment. View the safeguarding section of our website for more information.
Play Equipment
Please do not use school play equipment before or after school. No members of school staff are on duty to oversee the use of the large apparatus or to ensure that it is safe to be used.
School Grounds
Please vacate the school site promptly at the end of the day. After school clubs run most days and the site needs to be secured for safeguarding reasons. In addition, you will be supporting the school with alleviating parking issues. We still regularly receive complaints from our neighbours about parents parking.
Please do not bring dogs onto the school grounds when dropping off or picking up children.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the school grounds. This includes the car parks and the front entrances.
Fire Precautions
In the event of a fire alarm sounding continuously at any time, you must leave the building immediately using the nearest fire exit – clearly marked with a green
and white sign. There are fire notices around the school to inform you of your nearest assembly point. Take time to ensure that you know where to go.
First Aid
In the event of an accident, please advise a member of staff who will enlist the help of a trained first aider. If you have a medical condition which you would like us to be aware of, so that we can offer some help should it become necessary, please inform a member of staff on arrival. An accident form should always be completed by the first aider treating you
Personal Security
Please sign in our Inventry system at the main entrance and wear a visitor’s badge whilst in school. Please keep all handbags and valuables with you at all times unless working in a classroom where you can keep it in a designated area.
If you leave the building for a short time, please exit through reception. You must sign in and out of the building even if for a short time. Please do not prop open any doors which could leave access to unauthorised individuals.