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Bowlee ParkCommunity Primary School

Knowledge...your passport to the world!




At Bowlee Park Community School we believe that all children can succeed in mathematics. We encourage children to have a positive attitude to maths, we work hard to ensure they develop strong mathematical skills/knowledge and we develop a culture where children persevere and are resilient when they are faced with tricky mathematical problems to solve.


 Children are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all children working together on the same lesson content whilst at the same time challenging and supporting pupils to gain depth of understanding and proficiency.  This ensures that all children can master concepts before moving to the next step. Our children are expected to reason and clearly explain their thinking. We firmly believe that the answer is ‘only the beginning’ and our children need to try to explain why an answer is correct or not. Teachers design lessons so that there is a carefully sequenced journey through the concept being taught, identifying difficult points and possible misconceptions. Children are challenged through careful questioning and supported through the use of concrete materials and visual representations to develop a deep conceptual understanding. A range of resources, including Department for Education approved text books, are used to support children’s learning. Children who are struggling to grasp concepts access further adult coaching sessions to ensure that all children are maintaining progress. Some children with significant cognition and learning difficulties may access a differentiated maths programme designed to meet their specific needs.


In addition to daily mathematics lessons, we have regular timetabled written arithmetic sessions and daily number fluency work to ensure all children are confident and competent in core mathematical knowledge and skills.  


Children are taught in line with the National Curriculum, which is divided into the following key areas:  


Number and Place Value

Children learn to read and write numbers, identify patterns, understand the value of a digit in a number and compare numbers. The curriculum also requires children to have a sound understanding of Roman numerals before leaving primary school.


Addition and Subtraction

Children learn addition and subtraction methods appropriate to their age to solve calculations and problems. By the end of year six, children will use standard written methods.


Multiplication and Division

Children learn multiplication and division methods appropriate to their age to solve calculations and problems. By the end of year six, children will use standard written methods.


Fractions, Decimal and Percentages

Children understand that a fraction describes part of a whole. Through school, children learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and simplify using common factors. Additionally, children will learn to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.



Children learn to use, read and write standard units of length, mass, volume and time. As children move through school, they learn how to find the perimeter and area of shapes and use relevant formulas where possible.



Children learn to recognise, compare, draw and classify 2D and 3D shapes and use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement. By the end of year six, children will name parts of a circle and find unknown angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons.


Further detailed information about the mathematics curriculum at Bowlee Park can be downloaded below.


Calculation Policies
Fluency Policy
Maths Progression