We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of our pupils. We expect everyone to share this commitment. View the safeguarding section of our website for more information.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Looking ahead to the summer break, we hope that the ever changing picture of the coronavirus pandemic means we can begin to see a time when we can return to our normal lives.
It is, however, important that we continue to remind ourselves that we all have a part to play in keeping the pandemic under control so that we keep everyone safe and that together we can look forward to a brighter future.
Since all pupils returned on 8th March, the school has been full of life and it has been wonderful to hear the busy sounds of children learning, playing and laughing with their friends and teachers. It has also been a challenging term, with more Covid interruptions and further disruption to children’s learning.
Bowlee Park School staff have worked tirelessly since the start of the pandemic. School has remained open throughout this time supporting children of key workers and vulnerable pupils and juggling this with delivery of remote learning. Since 8th March our focus has been to help children make up for missed learning. Our recovery work is not over. We have plans in place to ensure that over the next 12 months all children will be given the support they require to catch up to the age related expectations for their year group.
I remain grateful and thankful for your support and patience this term, and for your hard work in supporting your children’s learning at home. I know for many of you this has been, at times, challenging: juggling your own work, family illnesses, children not always eager to participate in home learning and the general stresses and strains the pandemic has put on us all.
We are planning for a ‘normal’ September. We will dispense with bubbles, resume assemblies and lunches in the hall, and invite parents into school for school events. We will, however, be mindful of public health and government advice and make any changes required to keep everyone safe.
Please support your child’s learning over the summer by taking advantage of the opportunity to visit school on Wednesday mornings with your child to change their reading book. Mrs Jones will be on hand to offer guidance on book choices
Throughout the past 18 months, the community of Bowlee Park has remained strong and the conversations and emails from you, remain as always, positive and supportive. We have an exceptional school, with incredible children, families, staff and community support. I am confident that in the next academic year we will continue to thrive.
I wish you and your families a safe, restful and enjoyable summer break,
Aleks Hartshorne