We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of our pupils. We expect everyone to share this commitment. View the safeguarding section of our website for more information.
Latest advice from Public Health
Public Health Advice to parents and carers of children at Rochdale schools
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to update you on the latest position in relation to COVID-19 cases and transmission in our schools and colleges. The number of positive cases in school aged children are still quite high and risk of further transmission remains a concern.
COVID-19 cases in Rochdale have slightly reduced but cases in school aged children are still high. Recently, we are also starting to see rates increase in parents and grandparents with increased hospitalisations.
The council’s education team, public health and schools have worked closely to keep children safe and avoid need to send full classes or year groups home to minimise the continued disruption to children’s education.
Therefore, our Public health team has advised to introduce some additional measures in schools that have minimal impact on education and will help ensure we are reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission within schools. These include where possible not organising large gatherings, events and activities.
Head teachers are asked to consider the potential COVID-19 related risk increase that an event or an activity might represent, and the measures that can reasonably be introduced that could reduce that risk. For each event/activity, a risk assessment will be completed that details the safety measures to be implemented.
With sufficient mitigation, where we agree for events to go ahead, a combination of measures or all measures will be implemented from the list below:
How to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things we can do to help reduce the risk of catching the virus:
For more information:
Please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-COVID-19/
For information on local services and support, visit http://www.rochdale.gov.uk/coronavirus
If you have anyone on your family eligible for booster vaccine please visit,
COVID-19 vaccination programme (rochdale.gov.uk)
The above measures will help us to reduce transmission in our school, without having to introduce additional measures that can have a negative impact on the education and wellbeing of children and young people.
Your support with this will help us to keep people safe over winter and reduce the number of COVID-19 infections in the borough.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Covid19 Infection Control Duty Desk